COVID-19 emergency. Tecnavia: a reliable solution.
During the COVID-19 emergency Tecnavia and its staff of professional technicians and engineers have been working hard to support its newspaper partners. We have experienced a tremendous increase in the number of people accessing newspapers online and of the web sites we host due to some papers allowing more accesses than normal, including to non-subscribers, and to the partial stop of some print publication. We are now able to manage a traffic that has greatly increased our initial power of distribution through our infrastructure. This also has meant modifying the web software interface and resubmitting some of the IOS and Android apps.
In addition we saw how the overall increase of general web traffic affected some local internet providers, due to the augmented home-based accesses. Therefore, we are working on additional modifications to better facilitate the access to our production dashboard and back-end services. Nothing will be change from the reader perspective.
We are committed to maintain all services as scheduled and we believe that the measures taken should further support any issues that may arise, without any negative impact to clients’ operations. We believe we are taking all possible measures to reliably provide clients with the best service possible and to guarantee proper operations throughout this crisis.
We wish you the best with all the challenges you are surely facing, and please remember we are always available to help you in any way.